Coffee and Walnut Protein Shake

Vegan protein powder, I am using My proteins blend.
2 table spoons of oats
Peanut butter (Im using meridian peanut butter)
one frozen banana
A table spoon of fibre powder
300 ml soy milk

I am using a nutribullet for this recipe but you can use any type of blender that you have.

Step one: Take your banana out of the freezer and leave it out on the side for a few minutes while you prep your ingredients.

Step two:Add in one scoop of your protein powder, the fibre powder, oats to the blender and place to one side.

Step three: In a mug, add one tablespoon of peanut butter (I used meridians since it is purely peanuts so there are no added extras!) with a tiny trickle of water, pop this in the microwave for around 30 seconds so that its melted slightly (It might not look like it has so dont worry about this as long as it has been slightly heated it will mix easier).

Step four: Add in the melted peanut butter, around 300 ml of soy milk (or any plant milk) and then add in cold water up to around 450ml mark on the nutribullet (150ml of water)

Step five: secure the lid, (if using a nutribullet give the bullet a shake) and blend. it should only take around 30 seconds to blend everything together.

Step six: Pour the liquid into a glass and maybe add some ice cubes.




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